The Garage Sales Receipt Template can be issued at the point of sale or prefilled with some items then issued once payment is solidified. This versatility can be quite useful when an impulse purchase can be solidified with a quick and easy receipt that shows the good record-keeping practices of the garage sale item’s Seller. Naturally, whenever selling any used item, one wants to put their best foot forward. By producing a receipt as standard practice or by request during a garage sale, Customers are more likely to take the items being sold seriously. Since this paperwork only requires basic information for completion, a good deal of it can be prepared beforehand (i.e. listing the Seller information before the sale event). As with any receipt, it is strongly recommended that Customer and payment information is left off until the point of sale has been completed with a submission of the required funds or payment.
Step 1 – Access The Garage Sales Receipt Template As A PDF Or Word Document
The Garage Sales Receipt Template pictured in the sample image is obtainable using the buttons below it or the links above. You may save this template as an “Adobe PDF” file or, if desired, a “Microsoft Word (.docx)” file using the appropriately labeled links or buttons on this page.
Step 2 – Identify The Seller Of The Garage Sale Item(s)
As the Seller in this garage sale transaction, you must identify yourself at the top of the receipt. To this end, submit your “Name” on the first line in the upper left then follow suit with your address. Notice when reporting your address, the “Street Address,” “City, State, Country,” and “Zip Code” lines are set to display it on a line by line basis. Complete your introduction by dispensing your business number for this garage sale on the “Phone” line.
Step 3 – Furnish The Garage Sale’s Filing Material
The next request this receipt makes to document the garage sale will be for a unique number that will not be found as a file number in your accounting system. Determine this reference then input it on the blank line holding the “Receipt #” label. Across the receipt page, the line attached to the “Date” label expects the month, two-digit calendar day, then the two-digit or four-digit year when the garage sale completed with payment.
Step 4 – Name The Buyer Of The Garage Sale Merchandise
Many receipts will seek the full “Name” of the Buyer presented. This confirms precisely who paid for the item at the garage sale and thus holds ownership over it upon its successful payment. Produce the full name of the Garage Sale Buyer on the empty line labeled “Name” in the “Buyer Information” section. The “Phone” line in the “Buyer Information” section seeks the cell “Phone,” business line, or home telephone number entered. Record this number as supporting information for the Paying Customer’s identity.
Step 5 – List All Purchased Garage Sale Products
This receipt must include a presentation of the physical products purchased at the garage sale (from the Seller). List each one by name or manufacturer in the “Description” column. If possible, include details such as colors, serial numbers, or any other detail that can be used to identify the purchased garage sale item in the future.
Step 6 – Attach The Amounts Paid For The Merchandise
Next, record how much one item would cost regardless of the number being purchased in the “Rate ($)” column. Thus, if the Customer purchased two toasters and each is five dollars, then record “$5.00” in this column on the same row where you listed the toasters being sold. Now, fill in the “Amount” that must be paid for each row’s defined garage sale item in the last column. This must be the dollar “Amount” expected for the garage sale merchandise being reported only on that same row.
The “Subtotal” field presented at the end of the table in the “Amount” column requires that all the amounts above it are added to a single figure then reported as a dollar amount in this field as the garage sale’s “Subtotal.”
If you determined the item being sold was eligible for a “Discount” at the time of sale. Then fill in the dollar amount that will be subtracted from the asking price in the box labeled “Discount.”
The final task this table sets will be to subtract any value entered in “Discount” from the garage sale’s “Subtotal.” This result should match the “Total” paid for the item(s) in this table.
Step 7 – Formally Declare The Sale Of the Garage Sale Item(s)
The sentence occupying the bottom half of this receipt must now be tended with information. Here, a basic discussion on the table above will occur but will need your input to be applied properly as a receipt statement. Begin with the “Total” the Garage Sale Customer paid. This dollar value must be entered onto the blank line between the dollar sign in this statement and the phrase “Was Paid By.” Continue to the blank line past this phrase, then produce the Garage Sale Customer’s name as its content.
The final empty line in this statement shall require the payment date to be solidified. Record the garage sale payment date directly after the word “…On.”
Step 8 – Report How The Garage Sale Customer Paid The Total
Next, the way you received the Garage Sale Customer’s payment for the concerned item(s) should be discussed. The “Payment Method” label will enable this dialogue to occur through four checkboxes. Any checkboxes below it that are marked then completed with the requested information will be understood to be the Garage Sale Customer’s “Payment Method.” Thus, if you accepted a credit card payment, check the “Credit Card No.” box then fill in the credit card number and supply the Garage Sale Customer’s credit card number on this line. Similarly, if you accepted a check payment, then you must select the “Check No.” box in this section. The blank line provided in this selection will expect an entry of the check or ledger number on the Garage Sale Customer’s submitted check.
A “Cash” payment will only require that you mark the checkbox labeled “Cash.”
If you accepted payment through some other means (i.e. wire transfer, online app, etc.) then your selection for the garage sale’s “Payment Method” must be the box labeled “Other.” In this case, you must define this method directly to the blank line displayed.
Step 9 – Obtain The Garage Sale Customer’s Signature
This receipt will also require confirmation on the Garage Sale Customer’s part in the form of his or her signature. Thus, temporarily release this receipt to the Customer so that he or she may review it, then confirm it by signing the “Buyer’s Signature” line. Make sure both the Customer and your Company retain a signed copy.
Step 1 – Obtain The Excel Version Of The Garage Sale Receipt
The Garage Sale Receipt needed to solidify a transfer of ownership through the purchase of a sale item can be saved and used as a “Microsoft Excel (.xlsx)” spreadsheet template. Simply download it using the link above or the “Excel” button on this site to access it.
Step 2 – Attach The Garage Sale Seller’s Identity
If you were able (and legally allowed) to use a specific image or logo to advertise the garage sale, then you may display it in cell A1 for recognition. Notice you will have to replace the “Add Your Logo Here” label in this field for this action. You should supply your “Name” to this receipt as the Issuer. This will verify that you received the funds needed for the items that were purchased. Supply your name to cell A2.
Continue with your address produced down the next three fields. Here the “Street Address” label in cell A3 seeks the first line in your business address while the second line of your business address should be recorded in cell A4 (carrying the “City, State, Country” label).
The “Zip Code” in your address is requested separately. Produce it in cell A5.
Finally, as a courtesy, deliver your “Phone” number in cell A6.
Step 3 – Deliver The Garage Sale Purchase’s Reference Material
Continue filling out the items in this header by attending to cell F3. Here a record number for the garage sale payment that was received should be determined then input for future reference. This will be known as the “Receipt #” for this transaction. Cell H3, adjacent to receipt number you documented, requires a “Date” to be attached to this paperwork and the received funds. Input this “Date” accordingly.
Step 4 – Document The Garage Sale Customer Identity
Your Garage sale Customer’s “Name” is the first item required in the next section (titled “Customer/Client Information”). Thus, locate cell A9 and enter the Garage Sale Purchaser’s full “Name” for display. The cell holding the “Phone” label in cell A10 calls for the Garage Sale Customer’s telephone number. Enter this information if it is available. It should be mentioned this item will aid the Customer in that it verifies he or she submitted the payment causing this receipt.
Step 5 – Include An Inventory Of Purchased Garage Sale items
Now that we have identified both Parties and this transaction record, it is time to concentrate on discussing the purchased garage sale merchandise. First, locate cell A13, the first field in the “Description” column in the provided table. List all the items purchased during the garage sale transaction this receipt documents in this column using the rows provided to report each separately.
Step 6 – Produce A Pricing Report On The Completed Transaction
Next, enter the asking price for a single garage sale item in the “Rate ($)” column. Thus, three blenders were purchased, inform your Customer how much each one costs by listing its price in this column. Continue across the row you are working on to furnish the total “Amount” paid for each row’s worth of garage sale items. For example, if three blenders were bought, then report paid for all three on the row containing this entry.
Add every garage sale “Amount” to the “Subtotal” field in cell H22. This will act as a summary for the sale prices you collected.
If you elected to award a “Discount” to your Customer, then it would be considered wise to document this nicety. Record any such dollar amount in cell H23 (labeled “Discount”).
Finally, produce the discounted “Subtotal” as the “Total” paid. That is, subtract the dollar amount listed in cell H23 from cell H22 then produce the result in cell H24.
Step 7 – Summarize The Garage Sale Transaction
This receipt continues with a statement of confirmation about the garage sale purchase. In cell A25, the parentheses containing the bracketed dollar sign should be replaced with the amount the Garage Sale Customer paid. This record should be placed immediately after the words “The Total Amount Of $” The “Name” of the paying Garage Sale Customer is the next request this statement makes. Input his or her “Name” immediately after the words “…Was Paid By”
Finally, supply documentation of the “Date” of payment by removing the final bracketed object in this statement and typing in this “Date” directly to this statement’s ending.
Step 8 – Furnish A Record On the Garage Sale Customer’s Method For Payment
The Garage Sale Customer would have submitted the payment in some fashion. This “Payment Method” is an expected report and can be supplied by marking one or more of the “Payment Method” checkboxes on this page. That is, if the Garage Sale Customer used a credit card, mark the box in cell A28 and fill in the Garage Sale Customer’s credit card number in the space after the label “Credit Card No.”Cell A29 presents the label “Check No.” Mark this cell’s checkbox if the Garage Sale Customer paid by check then produce the check number used where requested.
A popular method of payment at garage sales is by “Cash.” If this transaction was a “Cash” payment, then mark the box in cell F28.
The item purchased at the garage sale may have been paid for using another method (i.e. PayPal, VenMo, etc.). If this receipt refers to such a transaction, then mark the box in cell H29 and describe the garage sale’s payment method in the space after “Other.”
Step 9 – Obtain Your Customer’s Authorizing Signature
Cell A30 of this receipt is set with a blank labeled line. This line must be signed by the Garage Sale Customer to complete the transaction. When ready, relinquish this receipt for his or her review and signature approval.