In consultation with the College, you can give tangible personal property (e.g., art, books, musical instruments, scientific equipment, etc.) by executing an irrevocable pledge promising to make a gift in the future that, by its own terms, is binding on your estate.
Arranging a promised gift is a flexible way to ensure your cherished property will benefit future generations to come.
With an irrevocable promised gift:
A promised gift of tangible personal property allows you to continue to enjoy the use of your property, and Bowdoin can count on receiving it at the appropriate time in the future. With an irrevocable pledge promising to make the gift and substantiation of the value of the property, the College can give you gift credit although you will not be entitled to a charitable tax deduction until the gift is made.
By working with the College to put a promised gift in place, you are arranging a lasting legacy that will benefit the life of the College. When you provide for Bowdoin in this way, you will be welcomed into the Bowdoin Pines Society.
If you are considering arranging an irrevocable promised gift of your property, please contact Nancy Milam or Liz Armstrong early in your deliberative process so that we can ensure that it can be used by the College in the manner you intend. We are happy to assist you and your advisors in designing the most suitable gift plan for you.
Please note that we are prohibited from giving legal or financial advice and none of the information above should be interpreted as such. We encourage you to consult with your own legal counsel or financial advisor before deciding whether or not to proceed with a gift.
If you have any questions, contact the Office of Gift Planning.